Soya-based ingredients

Living cells of the cornea require a constant supply of amino acids, vitamins and other nutrients and thus are a good measure of general nutritional health. ©iStock/Ritter75

Cry baby: Infant tears reveal nutrient deficiencies

By Will Chu

Tears have been suggested as a reliable indicator of health as researchers have found the nutrient profile of this biofluid to be similar to blood, which may enhance the speed of deficiency diagnoses.

Business-boosting #winnovation: Why not enter the NutraIngredients Awards 2017? Entry is simple. ©ThomasRuelle

13 categories open for entries to nutrition innovators. #NIAwards17

NutraIngredients Awards 2017: Deadline is 3 February


The NutraIngredients Awards are back in 2017 in Geneva at Vitafoods Europe with new categories to reward real progress and innovation in the global world of nutrition.

Eight food industry players have already signed up to the project. © iStock

Just how nutritious are sustainable proteins?

By Niamh Michail

The need for sustainable proteins is on the rise, but are they as healthy and nutritious as their mainstream equivalents? A public-private partnership (PPP) coordinated by Wageningen University aims to determine just that, and is on the lookout for more...

© iStock/RawpixelLtd

Scouting out Europe's latest free-from innovation at SIAL

By Niamh Michail

What are the latest free-from trends sweeping Europe? How is the mature gluten-free market staying innovative? And how much on-pack prominence should you give to free-from claims? FoodNavigator hit the expo floor at SIAL in Paris to find out.

'The way protein is currently defined in labelling regulation needs to change because this is precisely the root of the protein spiking problem,' says ESSNA vice-chair. ©iStock/ogichobanov

Nitrogen spiking: The loophole jeopardising protein’s podium place

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European sports nutrition industry is calling for a ‘protein spiking’ loophole to be closed, but if there is any Brussels movement it is likely to be slow and this lapse threatens to knock the nutrition staple from the top step of the sports nutrition...


Nutra futures

Top 10 nutrition start-ups

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Venture Scanner says 2016 is on pace to be one of the best years ever for health and nutrition start-up investment. We scan the most promising Venture Scanner ventures...

Alpro says it 'remains steadfast' in its plant-based mission following criticism of its acquisition by dairy giant Danone.

Alpro: 'we made a mistake and we’re really sorry'

Twitter storm blows up Alpro's dairy problem

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Belgian manufacturer of plant-based dairy alternatives Alpro has been caught in a Twitter storm after it tweeted that a healthy diet consists of one third animal-based products. Disgruntled vegan followers referenced the company’s recent acquisition by...

Banana milk is one of the dairy alternatives showing growth, according to an Allied Market Research report. pic: ©iStock/gojak

New products created as demand for dairy alternatives rises

By Rukaiya Shaikh, Allied Market Research

Demand for dairy alternatives is growing with the creation of dairy-free milk in labs, the emergence of vegan milk alternatives, and increased adoption of coconut and banana milks that offers various health benefits.

esearchers from the Yakult Central Institute in Japan found mice fed on fermented soymilk showed less skin reddening and skin thickening compared to those fed on regular soymilk. ©iStock

Fermented soymilk isoflavones could cut UV damage

By Eliot Beer

Consuming fermented soymilk products may help protect against ultraviolet radiation damage by increasing the number of isoflavone compounds in the body, according to a study on mice.

The novel food application was forwarded onto EFSA after member states expressed concern about the ingredient's long-term impact on blood coagulation. ©iStock/somersault18:24

‘Anti-blood clot’ fermented soybean extract safe, says EFSA

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A fermented soybean extract that claims to help prevent blood clots is safe for use in food supplements, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has concluded following a novel food application from a Japanese company that sparked member state concerns.

Ascendis Health CEO says Scitec acquisition will unlock European and US sports nutrition markets.

Ascendis eyes August completion of €170m Scitec deal

By Eliot Beer

South African firm Ascendis Health is aiming to complete its acquisition of sports nutrition company Scitec International by the end of August, with CEO Karsten Wellner expecting strong growth even in saturated markets.

The deal comes as part of Holland & Barrett’s plans for major international expansion to make its global franchises bigger than its UK and Ireland core.

1000 Holland & Barrett franchise stores to open in India

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Health and nutrition retailer Holland & Barrett has secured a £20m (€25.44m) deal with Indian hospital chain Apollo Hospitals, an agreement which will see 1000 franchise stores open across India over the next five years.

EU politicians voted today to scrap nutrient profiles. 'We deeply regret the EU Parliament chose to stand by the food industry and let down consumers,' said consumer rights group BEUC. © iStock

European Parliament votes to scrap nutrient profiles

By Niamh Michail

Members of European Parliament (MEPs) voted today to scrap nutrient profiles, a result that leaves consumer rights groups, public health campaigners and some industry players sorely disappointed.

Some of the products high in salt, fat or sugar that claim to be healthy. Photo: FoodWatch

80% of surveyed products don't pass WHO nutrient profile

Survey blasts industry & EU for allowing unhealthy foods to make health claims

By Niamh Michail

What’s the difference between a chocolate bar and an apple? Not much if you go by the misuse of health claims on food in Germany and the Netherlands says campaign group FoodWatch, after evaluating over 600 products making prominent claims to be healthy,...

© iStock

Special edition: Protein perspectives

Whistle stop tour: Protein global


Western Europeans are numero uno when it comes to per-capita protein consumption; bread is surprisingly the most popular protein medium; and protein has well and truly invaded the healthy snacking category.

EU healthy eating funding discriminates against plant proteins: ENSA

By Niamh Michail

The EU is discriminating against soy and plant-based proteins that are nutritionally similar – or even healthier – than the sugary dairy products it has pledged to subsidise, says the European Natural Soy and Plant-Based Foods Manufacturers Association...

GEA has a contract to supply equipment for Danone's new plant in the Netherlands.

GEA to equip new Danone production plant

By Jim Cornall

GEA has received a major order from Danone to equip a new state-of-the-art facility for its international Early Life Nutrition brands with several production lines.