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The ACI puts pressure on UK Home Office to set THC limit

By Nikki Hancocks

The founder of the CBD consortium, the ACI (the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry), is putting the pressure on the UK Home Office in a bid to bring some legal clarity and ultimately closure to the seemingly halted CBD Novel Foods process.

Getty Images / Peopleimages

Internationally-ranked cricket star fueled by Gencor

By Danielle Masterson

Gencor just announced its sponsorship with Danni Wyatt, who recently played in the Women’s Ashes Series and was announced Player of the T20 Series. Over a third of ticket buyers were women, demonstrating how the sport is reaching new audiences. Cricket...

Getty | Sasimoto

High dose royal jelly may support weight management

By Olivia Brown

A meta-analysis and systematic review of available RCTs observes that dosages of over 3,000 mg/day of royal jelly supplementation significantly reduced body weight (BW) and BMI measures.

NutraCast: Combining medicine and tech for precision nutrition

NutraCast: Combining medicine and tech for precision nutrition

By Danielle Masterson

A well-known physician nutritionist and serial tech entrepreneur have joined forces to combine their medicine and consumer technology expertise to launch a AHARA, precision nutrition Consumer Health Tech Company that provides ultra-personalized nutrition...

Getty Images /   andresr

GNC launches supplemental health care service

By Danielle Masterson

The new service, GNC Health, offers access to licensed medical professionals, reduced wait time for urgent care and personal health appointments for loyalty members.


Vitamin D improves outcomes of hospitalised COVID-19 patients

By Olivia Brown

A new study finds that supplementation with 25(OH) vitamin D in an Italian cohort of hospitalised COVID-19 patients that were deficient, resulted in a reduced length of hospital stay compared to those who were not supplemented.


Oral-gut connection a “crucial component” of human health

By Olivia Brown

A new review spotlights the vital bidirectional communication between the oral and gut microbiomes and their combined involvement in the development of conditions such as irritable bowel disease (IBD), highlighting unique prospects for targeted health...

© Elena Nechaeva / Getty Images

Dietary microbes & probiotic pills linked to better cognition

By Stephen Daniells

Increased intake of beneficial bacteria from fermented foods and prebiotic and probiotic dietary supplements are associated with better cognition, says a new analysis of data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES).

NutraCast: Challenging the status quo on preformed EPA/DHA

NutraCast: Challenging the status quo on preformed EPA/DHA

By Danielle Masterson

Geoff Palmer, CEO and Founder of Clean Machine, is a professional bodybuilder and credits his health to his vegan lifestyle – something he’s done since the mid 1980s. With three decades of experience in the natural foods and supplements industry under...

Getty | Ignatiev

Embracing AI for a holistic model of healthcare

By Nikki Hancocks

We need holistic models of care which focus on prevention of disease through multi-omics, personal data and AI to facilitate better lifestyle choices and cut rising healthcare costs.

News Round-Up July 2023

News roundup: July 2023

By Olivia Haslam

This month, the industry has encountered environmental campaign concerns, regulatory hinderance, nutrition recommendation improvements, and an abundance of research.

© image_jungle / Getty Images

RCT supports probiotic’s cardiometabolic health potential

By Stephen Daniells

Dietary supplementation with a specific Lacticaseibacillus paracasei probiotic strain may improve the function of the endothelium and overall heart health in people with metabolic syndrome (MetS), says a new study.


Flavanols: A "valuable component" for gut barrier integrity

By Olivia Brown

Flavanols can protect and restore gut barrier integrity following exposure to stressors such as obesity, and gut-related disorders such as coeliac disease, but future research should look to reveal personalised differences in bioavailability.


COVID:19: L-carnitine supplement may have protective effect

By Olivia Brown

A new RCT has found that the L-carnitine supplement Carnipure tartrate can increase platelet counts in patients testing positive for COVID-19, suggesting it may have a protective effect against thrombosis-induced complications.


Probiotics may regulate glucolipid metabolism, review finds

By Olivia Brown

A new meta-analysis and systematic review finds that supplementation with Lactobacillus and/or Bifidobacterium may significantly decrease BMI, fasting glucose, insulin, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D).

July NPD Launchpad

July NPD Launchpad

By Olivia Brown

Mid-summer launches have seen substantial additions to the plant-based category, with supplements to support women’s and cardiovascular health, whilst the consumer demand for novel protein sources continues.

4GOLD launches new lipid supplement to boost athletic performance

Going 4GOLD: leveraging lipids to fuel performance

By Olivia Brown

The food technology company 4GOLD, founded by a pro-athlete trio, have launched a new LiFT lipid supplement combining long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) for a fast and lasting energy release to fuel athletic performance.

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