Keynote: Does nutrition have a role in delaying the onset of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in otherwise healthy, older individuals?
• Just like most of our other organs, the brain is increasingly liable to malfunction with age. The speed of mental processing slows down and short term memory recall becomes worse.
• This extremely common condition his termed clinically as Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCi) and often occurs in otherwise healthy older individuals.
• Whilst MCI in its milder forms is little more than a minor inconvenience, it is known to be a precursor of range of more serious degenerative brain diseases e.g. Alzheimer’s Disease.
• There is emerging evidence that the onset of MCI can be delayed by “healthy living” i.e. primarily good nutrition and exercise.
• This presentation will examine what is known about the efficacy of specific nutrients, individually and in combination, in relation to delaying the onset of MCI. It will also consider if they could have a role as an a adjuncts in a more traditional pharmacological approach.