Nutritlite dietary supplements first to receive certification

NSF International, a US Public Health and Safety Company(TM),
announced on Monday the first five products to receive
certification through the NSF Dietary Supplements Certification

NSF International, a US Public Health and Safety Company(TM), announced on Monday the first five products to receive certification through the NSF Dietary Supplements Certification Program. The NSF certified the following products, manufactured by Nutrilite, a division of Access Business Group International, LLC (formerly Amway Corp.): Parselenium- E, Bio-C Plus, Nutrilite Kids(R) Natural Chewable C, Nutrilite Kids(R) Chewable Iron, and Valerian and Hops. The company claims that the developed NSF Dietary Supplements Certification Program helps manufacturers build credibility for their company and brand names by providing independent testing and certification for their products. The standard was developed through a consensus process with input from dietary supplements manufacturers, suppliers, retailers, health care practitioners and public health officials. It provides methodology and evaluation criteria for verifying dietary supplements' ingredient identities and quantities and tests them for specific undeclared contaminants such as heavy metals, pesticides and mycotoxins. NSF International is a non-profit organisation established to improve public health and safety.

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