Biothera gets Chinese food approval for immune ingredient
The authorization allows the use of the ingredient in foods and beverages throughout China. Sino Biothera HK Ltd. was established in 2008 in Hong Kong and Beijing to distribute the beta-glucan ingredient, and the company’s other products, in China.
“We are pleased to have an opportunity to offer our immune health technology to the people of China,” said Richard Mueller, chief executive officer of Biothera. “There are numerous applications in foods and beverages through which Wellmune can support the immune health and overall well-being.”
The company’s Wellmune WGP ingredient is derived from the cell walls of a proprietary strain of yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) via a patented manufacturing process. The ingredient is said to enhance immune function without over stimulating the immune system, which may be harmful and claims that its mode of action in the body is well understood.