Science in brief
Magnesium supplements may ease hot flashes for breast cancer patients
Writing in Supportive Care in Cancer, scientists report that 400 mg per day of magnesium oxide for 4 weeks was associated with a 41.4 percent reduction in the frequency of hot flashes.
The intensity of the hot flashes was also reduced as a result of magnesium supplementation by about 50 percent.
“Oral magnesium appears to have helped more than half of the patients and was well tolerated,” wrote the researchers, led by Thomas Smith.
“Side effects and cost ($0.02/tablet) were minimal. A randomized placebo-controlled trial is planned.”
Source: Supportive Care in Cancer
Volume 19, Number 6, 859-863
“A pilot phase II trial of magnesium supplements to reduce menopausal hot flashes in breast cancer patients”
Authors: H. Park, G.L. Parker, C.H. Boardman, M.M. Morris, T.J. Smith