What's on the NutraIngredients editorial calendar in 2017?

By Nathan Gray

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Related tags Nutrition

From the latest issues in botanicals, to the cutting edge of sports nutrition, nutricosmetics, personalised nutrition, omega-3s, probiotics and prebiotics, the Nutraingredients 2017 editorial calendar of special editions and online conferences gets to the core of the big issues and hottest trends in the industry.

As 2017 comes in to full focus, NutraIngredients has assembled its full year calendar of special editions, online conferences, and face-to-face that will bring added insight and understanding on the topics that that matter most to your industry. 

Read on to find out what we’ll be covering in the next year, and get in contact if you have something to contribute, be it a formulation, research, regulatory or market-driven insight.


  • February 2017: Botanicals
  • March 2017: Functional foods
  • April 2017: Vitafoods Pre-show
  • May 2017: Vitafoods Post-show
  • May 2017: Bone & Joint Health
  • June 2017: Sports Nutrition
  • July 2017: Nutricosmetics
  • August 2017: Algae Solutions
  • September 2017: Omega-3
  • October 2017: CPhI Nutrition Focus
  • November 2017: Prebiotics and Probiotics
  • December 2017: Malnutrition


  • March 2017: Sports Nutrition
  • July 2017: Botanicals & Herbals
  • October 2017: Healthy Ageing


  • February 2017: Probiota, Berlin
  • March 2017: Food Vision, London



The world of botanical extracts has grown out of centuries-old traditions in Asia, Latin America and Africa to spawn a multi-billion dollar global industry. Despite regulatory chaos in Europe, the botanicals sector continues to grow. No longer just the preserve of specialist stores, herbal and botanical supplements are now available from most major retailers – both instore and online.

In this special edition, NutraIngredients surveys and informs on a changing landscape of regulations, formulations, issues in sustainability, contamination and adulteration, coupled with ever-growing consumer interest and belief in the power of natural extracts and herbal remedies to heal and promote wellness.

Functional foods

Functional foods and drinks are at the forefront of industry innovation, tapping in to consumer demands for healthier food products that deliver health benefits. But what does the future hold for this category that to some is still seen as a buzzword? In this special NutraIngredients will delve in to the technologies that are helping to deliver more stable nutrients, better shelf life, and tastier formulations. We ask what the hottest ingredients are, how new categories are shaping the future of functional foods and drinks, and question what it really is that consumers want.

Vitafoods Pre-show

Heading to Europe’s biggest nutrition, supplements and functional foods jamboree this year? We preview show innovations, trends and ingredients and probe conference speakers ahead of the 3-day show in Geneva that draws a global audience.

Vitafoods Post-show

NutraIngredients shares the best multimedia coverage of Europe’s biggest nutrition, supplements and functional foods show in this post-show wrap up.

Bone & Joint Health

Keeping our skeleton healthy is one of the prime concerns for consumers as we age, and what we eat plays a vital role in making sure our bones and joints remain healthy and fracture free. From the early stages of life, right through to retirement and our golden years, evidence is emerging of implicit risks from vitamin and mineral deficiencies. We ask where the science currently sits, and where the key areas of opportunity lie for the future.

Sports Nutrition

The European sports nutrition market is dynamic and diverse, but dominated by just a few countries. In this special edition, NutraIngredients asks which regions will see growth, and what formats will be the next big thing. We also look at the way elite sports nutrition is developing, and ask how cutting edge sports science can translate to the weekend warrior, and whether the line between nutrition and doping is becoming clearer or murkier.


Sometimes seen as a buzzword for an area that lacks true evidence of benefits, the rapid growth of nutricosmetics, and the concept of ‘beauty from within’ has grabbed consumer attention and imagination in recent years – resulting in rapid growth and a proliferation of brands and products on the shelves of even the most mainstream retailers. In this special edition we will ask where demands are, where nutricosmetics can go next, and whether new research and technologies are pointing towards an even brighter future for ‘beauty foods’.

Algae Solutions

Often touted as ‘the next big thing’ in nutrition, the uses potential uses and benefits of algae and algal products are seemingly limitless. In this special edition NutraIngredients asks if aquaculture can provide a sustainable source of the most in-demand nutrients, whether algal proteins can ever make it to the mainstream, and questions how new profiling technologies are identifying new phytochemicals and nutrients with big potential.


Omega-3 fatty acids have established themselves as a star player in the nutritional ingredients segment. This success has led to significant consolidation in the industry. The science is also growing almost exponentially with omega-3s being linked to an ever-increasing number of health conditions.

But it hasn’t all be plain sailing for omega-3s, with reports of declining sales following negative media reports of select studies. In this special edition, NutraIngredients dives deep into the omega-3 waters for answers.

CPHI - Nutrition Focus

CPHI is one of the biggest shows in the pharmaceutical industry calendar. Yet with more and more pharma players becoming intimately involved in nutrition, and growing instances of the use of traditionally ‘nutraceuticals’ in a pharmaceutical format, we investigate the differences and common ground between these two mammoth industries. We ask whether pharmaceutical interest in probiotics and the gut microflora is good news for traditional nutra players, and whether pharma-grade doses of omega-3 and other valuable nutrients are benefiting suppliers and manufacturers.

Prebiotics and Probiotics

The science backing prebiotics and probiotics is evolving rapidly, as are the markets themselves and key players. From general gut health, to immune support, skin health, weight management, cholesterol control, infant health, cognitive function and mood, the research continues to build.

Regulations are changing too, and consumers are ever-more aware of the microbiota-boosting potential of probiotics and prebiotics. NutraIngredients looks at a world where the latest science lies, and how it translates into a commercial world where claim restrictions are tight but opportunities vast.


Nutritional programmes and interventions are a starting point - but genuine multi-stakeholder involvement is what's required to tackle the world's problem of malnutrition and under nutrition. In this special edition NutraIngredients looks at new routes to fighting under-nutrition, unpicks policies, and asks what else the industry can do to end the global burden of disease caused by a lack of food and essential nutrients.


March 2017: Sports Nutrition

The European sports nutrition market is dynamic and diverse, but dominated by just a few countries. In this special edition, NutraIngredients asks which regions will see growth, and what formats will be the next big thing. We also look at the way elite sports nutrition is developing, and ask how cutting edge sports science can translate to the weekend warrior, and whether the line between nutrition and doping is becoming clearer or murkier.

July 2017: Botanicals & Herbals

Botanicals from ginseng to sea buckthorn to St John’s wort have entered the mainstream with some national polls showing upwards of 75% of citizens buy botanicals at least once a year for an array of ailments or just to stay healthy.

But the sector is complex and the fact that botanical supplements often exist in the space between food and drugs has led to a multiplicity of regulatory methods and regulatory chaos in Europe.

In this free global NutraIngredients online event, we go inside the sector to gain insight from its key players, leading formulators, scientists, consumer behaviourists, botanists and marketeers to discuss market trends, scientific innovations, regulations, and latest on authentication and adulteration.

October 2017: Healthy Ageing

In the era of ageing populations and active seniors, the nutrition of healthy ageing is big business. But exactly what does that mean? What are the main risk factors for ageing, and what can realistically be done to slow down the ageing process. As we learn more about how long-term risks of ill-health are set-up for and programmed very early in life, we ask whether healthy ageing starts in the womb. In this online event, NutraIngredients will explore consumer demands and expectations, breaks down demographics and highlight industry, regulator and academic insights.


February 2017: Probiota

NutraIngredients’ Probiota is the leading annual event for the global prebiotic, probiotic and the microbiota focused food and pharma industries. Probiota 2017 in Berlin, Germany is on track to break attendance records and will be exploring the new scientific frontier, its evolution and commercial application in food, nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and related product areas across the globe.

March 2017: Food Vision

Brought to the industry by FoodNavigator and NutraIngredients, every year Food Vision brings together top executives and thought leaders to discuss how the global food and nutrition industry can harness scientific innovation to meet the demands of the health conscious consumer.

Taking place in London from 1-3 March this year, Food Vision ​ is a senior-level industry event now in its fifth year. Over three days, the industry’s brightest innovators, strategists and analysts discuss market challenges, business opportunities and what today’s consumers really want in a series of presentations, debates and round-table discussions.  


If you want to get involved with the editorial content of any of these specials editions or events, get in touch with Senior Editor Nathan Gray Nathan.Gray@wrbm.com​ or Science Editor Will Chu Will.Chu@wrbm.com 

For advertising opportunities, please contact Pierre Fetat at Cvreer.Srgng@jeoz.pbz

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