
Lycored SARL


We’ve been a leader in the research and development of carotenoid-based products for the last two decades and we take that role very seriously. This means we approach everything we do with a sense of wonder and a driving desire to find the best possible outcome or create the highest-quality product.

Sometimes we begin with an actual seed (from one of our tomato farms) and sometimes we start with the seed of an idea—maybe a health-related concern or even a question that was posed by one of our scientists on a quick coffee break. No matter how the process starts, we always go through extensive and time-consuming testing procedures, studies, and periods of refinement before ever bringing anything to market.

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Inner Support for Outdoors Types

Inner Support for Outdoors Types

Content provided by Lycored SARL | 10-Jan-2022 | White Paper

Whether you’re preparing to hit the slopes or taking to the trails, a holistic relationship with the sun is imperative for outdoor exercise.