
Fonterra presents probiotic and dairy lipid research in Moscow

Fonterra presents probiotic and dairy lipid research in Moscow

By Ben Bouckley

New Zealand dairy co-operative Fonterra has presented what it claims is significant research showing that its proprietary probiotic strains reduce childhood disease and childhood allergy rates, while the addition of dairy lipids to formula aids infant...

BabyNes marketing is within the rules, says Nestlé

Nestlé defends infant formula marketing policies

By Shane Starling

Nestlé says its infant and follow-on formula marketing policies are compliant with international guidelines, after the food giant was criticised by a baby milk lobby group.

FSA repeats fish warning

FSA repeats fish warning

Pregnant women should eat no more than one fresh tuna steak, or two
cans of tuna, per week in order to ensure that their unborn child
is kept free from mercury poisoning. Swordfish, shark and marlin
should be avoided altogether, the...

FDA approval for new baby food

FDA approval for new baby food

A new infant formula designed specifically for pre-term infants has
been given the go-ahead by the US Food & Drug Administration.
Enfamil Premature LIPIL is an extension of the Enfamil LIPIL brand
produced by Mead Johnson Nutritionals.

LCP supplement for baby milk

LCP supplement for baby milk

Breast feeding may affect a child's intelligence as well as
bringing other benefits. But it is not always possible for women to
breastfeed. As a result, researchers are looking to develop a
bottle formula that more closely resembles...


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