Researchers have developed a prototype “bacterial litmus test” using genetically modified bacteria, to measure micronutrient levels of people living in remote regions.
Research backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation could offer a new solution to the problem of vitamin A deficiency by creating modified gut bacteria, researchers told NutraIngredients.
Irish biotech start-up AnaBio Technologies is in advanced negotiations with major infant formula makers interested in its encapsulation technologies that can blend probiotics and minerals into heat treated products at cost-effective prices.
Irish scientists working with gut bacteria – microbiota – have found 'exciting opportunities' for value-added dairy products, according to the head of biotechnology at Ireland’s largest food research center.
The recent spate of 1000s of E. coli infectionsin Europe – with no known treatment – that sprang from contaminated vegetables could be reduced in occurrence and severity by probiotics, in vitro trials demonstrate.
Early exposure to bacterial strains during pregnancy, breast feeding, and early life has a profound impact on weight gain in the offspring, says a new study with rats.
NutraIngredient’s Snack Size Science brings you the week's top science every two weeks. This week we get under the skin of the cranberry and explore its potential for prostate health.
Identifying the bacteria in a food product – be they probiotic or pathogenic – may be as easy as reading a bar-code, according to a novel technique called optical mapping.
Ocean Spray’s Ingredient Technology Group (ITG) has introduced an additive-free cranberry puree for use in both sweet and savoury applications, including fruit fillings and glazes for baked goods.
Cyvex Nutrition is introducing a new cranberry extract called
CranVida, and is marketing it on the basis of its antioxidant
profile as well as the fruit's usual urinary health claim.
Pharming has licensed rights to its protein production technology,
based on the use of transgenic animals, to AgResearch, the largest
government owned research organisation in New Zealand, reports
Phil Taylor.
Calcium could help the body fight E coli, the bacteria often
responsible for traveller's diarrhea, and a cause of illness in
children and the elderly in developing countries, suggests new
research from the Netherlands.
Taking supplements of calcium could help the body fight E
coli, the bacteria often responsible for traveller's diarrhoea,
and a cause of illness in children and the elderly in developing
countries, suggests new research from...
Probiotics or 'friendly' bacteria given to babies during weaning
may help alleviate the symptoms of eczema, according to research
published in the British journal Gut.
Cranberries are the fruit with the greatest antioxidant properties,
according to a number of studies presented this week at the
Experimental Biology 2002 meeting and at the 223rd national meeting
of the American Chemical Society earlier...
Food technology company aLF Ventures, LLC, a partnership between
Farmland National Beef Packing Company L.P. and ingredients
specialists DMV USA, this week opened N-terminus, a new
multi-million dollar food safety research and development...