The quality of the protein supplement matters for muscle preservation in older healthy men when consumed over recommended dietary allowance, according to a new study from McMaster University.
Postmenopausal muscle is resistant to the potent anabolic stimuli of resistance exercise and protein supplementation, according to findings from a recent study.
Ketone supplementation may promote growth of skeletal muscle, but little is known about how it affects muscle protein synthesis when combined with dietary protein.
A “groundbreaking” dileucine ingredient that boosts muscle protein synthesis much faster and to a greater extent that leucine, ‘the gold-standard’ amino acid for muscle, will hit shelves in a consumer product , the co-founder of Ingenious Ingredients...
A new dileucine ingredient that leads to over 40% more muscle building potential than leucine alone is being commercialized by start-up Ingenious Ingredients, with the company already “vetting exclusive top-tier distribution and marketing partners”.
Relatively little attention has been paid to potential sex differences in body composition responses to whey protein, argued researchers from Purdue University.
Eating cottage cheese before bed for its casein content is a popular bodybuilding tip. But results from a new clinical trial suggests that casein levels may matter more than timing.
Supplementing breakfast with a medical nutrition drink of leucine-enriched whey protein, vitamin D, and carbohydrates increased post-meal muscle protein synthesis among older men, researchers at the University of Clermont Auvergne found.
Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) taken as part of intact whey protein may stimulate muscle building response better than if taken in isolation, suggests a new study.
A combination of amylopectin and chromium may double the muscle protein synthesis rate compared to what was seen when using whey protein alone, says a new study using Nutrition 21’s patented Velositol ingredient.
You can say what you like about the benefits of mixing protein sources, but for sports nutrition expert Chris Lockwood, PhD, there’s only one way to the answer the cost vs benefit question: Whey.
Supplementing low-protein beverages with leucine can produce the same level of muscle synthesis in young men as a beverage with five times the protein levels, says a new study.
Post-workout consumption of a blend of soy and dairy protein may outperform single protein sources for prolonging amino acid delivery and building muscle, says a new study.
Consumption of leucine-enriched essential amino acid supplements during endurance exercise may enhance the synthesis of muscle protein by 33%, says a new study from the US Army.
Daily supplements of omega-3 fatty acids may boost the production of muscle protein in older people, and reduce the risk of degenerative muscle loss, suggest data from a new human trial.
Protein from soy or from whey is equally effective for synthesis of
muscle protein after endurance training, suggests an animal study
that may challenge the perception that athletes should avoid soy if
reproducible in humans.