The global omega-3 finished product market was worth €28 billion in 2015 and is set for pan-sector growth in the coming years to add €5bn by 2018, despite sustainability and scientific challenges.
Omega-3s have long been touted as beneficial for a range of areas such as brain, heart and eye health and dry eyes. What's new for these friendly fats?
Mounting epidemiological evidence suggests nutrient-rich but low-calorie diets and intake of B vitamins, Vitamin D and antioxidants stave off cognitive decline, experts gathered in Milan said last week.
An approved EFSA claims that omega-3 form DHA contributes to the visual development of infants risks misleading consumers, due to a committee oversight in approving the relevant health claim, says UK-based breast-feeding advocacy group Baby Milk Action.
An article 14 children’s development health claim submitted to the European Union by drug giant Merck linking omega-3 form DHA with infant visual development has been approved at committee level by the European Commission.