Black women have, on average, lower DHA omega-3 levels and higher risk of preterm birth, but high dose supplementation with DHA may reduce the risk of preterm birth and early preterm birth, says a new study.
The benefits of DHA for the developing fetus are well-established, but a new study indicates that supplementation during pregnancy may also benefit the heart health of the mother.
The authors say reliable biomarkers for preterm birth could greatly help in predicting which pregnancies are at risk and improve health outcomes for children.
Specific strains of probiotic Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus bacteria given to preterm babies in combination with breast milk may help to build microbial populations and gut health that mirror those of full-term babies, suggests data from the Baby-Associated...
Expectant mothers need sufficient prenatal omega-3 intake to reduce the risk of preterm birth and ensure healthy development for their offspring, according to a DSM expert.
Vitamin D supplementation may reduce the risk of infants being small for gestational age and improve growth during infancy, according to a meta-analysis published this week.
Maternal magnesium sulphate supplementation could reduce the risk of death in pre-term babies and lowers their likelihood of developing cerebral palsy (CP), new data suggests.
Breastfeeding in the first few days of a baby’s life may contribute to notable gains in intelligence and motor skills, a long-term study has established.
A 3-strain probiotic blend can reduce the occurrence of a bowel condition common among premature babies, researchers writing in Pediatrics journal have found.
Non-white women who have low levels of vitamin D during pregnancy are more likely to go into labour early and give birth to pre-term babies, according to new research.
An Italian study found Swedish biotech BioGaia's proprietary
Reuteri drops reduced the infections caused by bacteria and yeast
in prematurely born infants significantly more than another
probiotic used - a finding that could...