In response to convincing evidence published earlier this year, the chief medical editor at Harvard Health Publishing says he now recommends daily multivitamin mineral (MVM) supplementation for the population at-large.
Supplementing men with a combination of micronutrients and L-Carnitine shows promise in improving sperm motility and pregnancy outcomes, a new study concludes.
A dietary Intervention using a formulation of antioxidative and antiglycation micronutrients is said to improve visual function of patients suffering from vitreous degeneration or ‘floaters’ within the eye.
Changes to micronutrients and polyunsaturated fatty acids in heat-treated processed foods could play a role in increasing the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and changes to the gut environment.
Bayer has launched a campaign to better educate parents on nutrition’s role in baby development as a recent survey finds 60% did not know nutrition impacts baby growth and development during pregnancy.
Calls for healthcare providers to better advise supplement dosage during pregnancy have been made after a study finds intake at high doses common among women in the pregnant and lactating stage.
Multivitamins are the most commonly consumed dietary supplement in the United States and worldwide. With micronutrient insufficiency being more common in middle-aged to older adults, and multivitamin use has been shown to improve status in this population.
Editor's Spotlight: Q&A at Nutrition 2019, Baltimore, June 8-11
To accomplish its goal of reducing micronutrient deficiencies around the world, the 13-year-old Micronutrient Forum recently went through a revamp. We caught up with its first ever executive director, Dr Saskia Osendarp, at the Nutrition 2019 meeting...
Multiple micronutrient supplementation before pregnancy may be necessary to minimise the incidence of micronutrient deficiency among rural Bangladeshi women, according to an RCT by researchers in the US, Bangladesh and Thailand.
Certain doses or combinations of vitamins and minerals may not benefit pregnant women, even though mums-to-be appreciate their 'insurance effect', according to two studies from Australia.