Overseal extends its natural carotene range

Related tags Water Carotene Concentration

UK-based Overseal Foods has extended its carotenes range to include
highly concentrated natural carotene emulsions, allowing
manufacturers to capitalise on the increasing consumer demand for
natural ingredients.

The products allow manufacturers to switch from synthetic nature identical beta-carotene to natural carotene without experiencing a significant shade change or higher cost, claims Overseal​.

The company has developed a method to overcome restrictions on pigment concentration, which previously limited the intensity of colour shades and presented cost issues. The new products will provide more intense orange shades without producing the problem of 'neck ring' resulting from a breakdown of the emulsion.

The majority of food systems are water rather than oil based, so there is a requirement for oil soluble pigments such as carotenoids to be available in a water dispersible form. Ensuring that the emulsion is stable is important as emulsion breakdown causes unacceptable results in the final food product, ie the 'ring' which is sometimes seen at the neck of a soft drink bottle.

Natural beta-carotene is currently growing faster than the synthetic version, being driven by concern for health and interest from an ageing population. The European market for beta-carotene is estimated to be worth $136 million, according to a new report from Frost & Sullivan.

Em-Seal Natural Carotene colours are available from Palm or D. salina and due to their high percentage of beta-carotene can provide pro-vitamin A activity. Food makers will also be able to declare the use of natural carotene on the label reassuring the consumer of its source.

The new carotenes are available as both liquid and powder and in 0.2, 1, 2, 5 and 10 per cent pigment concentration. For more information on the product, contact Michael Fallon​, marketing manager at Overseal.

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