Biodane Pharma - immunity Nutraingredient award winners: why we entered - and won!

By Liza Laws

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The team from BioDane Pharma after the win.
The team from BioDane Pharma after the win.
After winning a coveted Nutraingredients award for Product of the Year in the immune support category, we caught up with the team from Biodane Pharma to find out what their ColoDan Whole Colustrum product as all about and why it took the prize.

 First of all, would you mind telling us why you think your product is the worthy winner of this Nutraingredients award... 

Our dedication to proving the multiple health benefits of bovine colostrum is unrivaled. We believe that such hard work and dedication over a period of 30 years to make bovine colostrum available as a dietary supplement makes ColoDan bovine colostrum a worthy winner. This award has and will give much-needed attention to bovine colostrum and thus hopefully, make numerous patients aware of its benefits.

Our work with whole bovine colostrum powder for 30 years has provided us with a unique wealth of knowledge about colostrum processing from collection to manufacturing. Our factory includes both dairy, production, and packaging facilities to secure the highest possible standard for all our colostrum products. Besides ColoDan® Colostrum, we also sell bovine colostrum products for farm animals and pets worldwide.

We have established the golden standard for format and bioavailability of bovine colostrum as a dietary supplement as all research on format and delivery system highlights that our version is superior.

There is a huge potential for the usage of bovine colostrum as an immune-supportive dietary supplement for sensitive patients. Many different patients experiencing inflammation and/or a compromised gastrointestinal tract with mucosal damage, in general, could benefit from bovine colostrum. Unfortunately, bovine colostrum is not yet a well-known dietary supplement and thus many patients who would greatly benefit from it never get the relief they could.

We have invested and used our knowledge in clinical research for the usage of bovine colostrum as a dietary supplement for very sensitive patient groups of infants. In the last few years, we have used our experience to develop a product specific for preterm babies and we are cooperating with Danish hospitals and universities for the health benefit of preterm infants during the projects NEOMUNE and NEOCOL.

The bioactive factors in ColoDan are present in their natural volumes and the important milk matrix has not been altered. This is important, as the benefits from colostrum are not caused by one or a few isolated factors, but by the sum of large groups or by them all; a concept known as food synergy (Jacobs, D. R. & Tapsell, L. C. (2013) Food synergy: the key to a healthy diet​).

We use a unique manufactory process with a low-temperature and long-time pasteurization followed by a gentle filtermat spray-drying that is superior in preserving the bioactive proteins (Chatterton, D. E. W., Aagaard, Sasha., Hansen, T. H., Nguyen, D. N., Gobba, C. D., Lametscha, R., Sangild, P. T. (2020) Bioactive proteins in bovine colostrum and effects of heating, drying and irradiation​). Strict hygiene and quality assessment of our colostrum through the entire process secure the highest possible standard and guaranteed free of antibiotic residues.

Why did you enter the NutraIngredients awards?

Entering the arena of the NutraIngredients gave us the opportunity to compare or benchmark colostrum with others in the health industry. We wanted to earn the reward and get acknowledged for the hard work and dedication over the last 30 years to make bovine colostrum available as a dietary supplement to patients and other groups who can highly benefit from colostrum.

ColoDan is a high-quality Danish dairy product made of locally and ethically sourced 100% pure whole bovine colostrum. Nothing has been added and nothing has been removed: just colostrum as nature provides it. We wanted to be acknowledged for our product and its potential for its applications in humane nutrition and health.

Why would you encourage others to enter?

We believe every highly dedicated company pursuing the goal to deliver high-quality products has deserved recognition. Often it is a question of marketing budget whether your product takes off or not – however, an award like this cannot be bought. By competing with other products, your product is being put to the test.   The reward is given by a jury, which made a qualified decision based on the information of the product entered. And whether it will make first or not – companies and their products will benefit from the awareness it raises. The award is something that can be utilized for marketing and PR.    

What exactly does the award mean to your company and for the product?

There is a huge potential for bovine colostrum for applications in human nutrition – especially sensitive patients and other groups, such as premature babies can improve their health.  Several studies have identified its constituents and their respective potential. Yet, bovine colostrum is not a well-known dietary supplement, and patients with a compromised immune system or anybody else who could improve their immune system cannot benefit from its potential.

Entering the award gave us the approval of our company – consequently, business partners and customers consider us trustworthy and feel comfortable doing business with us. And again, even if we had not won the award the awareness of bovine colostrum will be improved and hopefully will lead to new customers and markets.  Lastly, awards like these can improve motivation and encouragement to continue with the work we are doing – because it is worth it.

And finally, do you intend to enter again next year and with the same products or do you have some news ones in the pipeline?

This remains to be seen – but we will continue with our dedicated work.

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