A new preclinical study concludes that cricket powder provides distinctive antioxidant properties in addition to excellent nutrition, making it an innovative tool to be used in both food and medical fields.
Oil and water don’t normally work together but now coffee lovers can boost their morning routine with an oil soluble powder containing vitamins and more thanks to an advanced method that’s cracked the code allowing the two elements to mix.
New product launches over the last couple of weeks include a new line of jelly bean supplements for adults and kids, a 'powerful' antioxidant ingredient, and an excipient said to improve the efficacy of probiotic products.
A new player is on the verge of entering the astaxanthin and other markets with the granting of a patent on a ‘dark fermentation’ process for cultivating Haematococcus pluvialis and other algae species.
Eating fewer legumes, cottage cheese and sausages and more flour products, honey, meat and poultry may have a beneficial effect on the antioxidative status of Alzheimer’s patients, researchers find.
A diet rich in vitamin E and carotenoids, including lycopene, may reduce the speed of cognitive decline, according to a large prospective cohort study.
A new functional food offering shows how an ingredient can do double duty as a food additive as well as a dietary ingredient packing a powerful phytochemical punch.
Spain-based Pharmactive Biotech Products has launched a proprietary saffron ingredient called affronEYE to potentially address the negative impacts of blue-light exposure.
Antioxidant supplements do not improve semen quality among men with infertility, according to a new study claiming to be the largest randomised, placebo-controlled trial to examine the effects of antioxidants on male fertility without additional assisted...
Breast cancer patients who take antioxidant supplements, as well as iron, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, during chemotherapy may be at increased risk of disease recurrence and death, according to researchers from SWOG Cancer Research Network....
Benefit-risk ratios must be established for each antioxidant separately, considering risk groups and dosage, according to researchers reviewing polarised perceptions of vitamin E and beta-carotene.
Dr Peter Hollman has spent 30 years researching polyphenols which has led him to the conclusion they don’t work as antioxidants when ingested in foods and supplements because the human body makes enough of its own. But that doesn’t mean they aren’t useful...
Here’s a radical thought for the marketers - the benefits of antioxidants may not be related to antioxidant activity. Last week’s NutraIngredients Antioxidants Conference suggested some tough choices are ahead.
Timber! The latest axe blow from EFSA has fallen, and this time it has taken one of the biggest trees in the nutrition forest: Antioxidants. But let’s not mourn the loss of the tree; let’s look forward to the new opportunities a clear view of the sky...
Ingredients supplier Wild has introduced a solution for adding natural antioxidants to light-coloured ice cream and baked goods products without compromising on flavour.
Antioxidants are widely believed to help reduce the risk of certain
cancers, but if taken by cancer patients undergoing cytotoxic
therapy they may have a detrimental effect, according to a
commentary in the Cancer Journal for Clinicians.
Scientists meeting next month to try to reach a consensus on
antioxidant measurements could develop more reliable methods for
comparing the numerous natural ingredients marketed for their
antioxidant levels.
Coffee contains similar levels of antioxidants to black tea and can
be just as beneficial to health, according to Scottish scientists
that have found coffee's antioxidants are highly absorbable by the
human body.
US company Applied Food Sciences (AFS) has made yield improvements
in its Coffee Antioxidant Enhancement Technology, a proprietary
process that increases the quantity of natural antioxidants found
in brewed coffee.