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Pharmactive launches AffronEYE for esports, gamers

By Stephen Daniells

Spain-based Pharmactive Biotech Products has launched a proprietary saffron ingredient called affronEYE to potentially address the negative impacts of blue-light exposure.

Getty | kdshutterman

Supplements linked with increased breast cancer recurrence

By Nikki Hancocks

Breast cancer patients who take antioxidant supplements, as well as iron, vitamin B12, and omega-3 fatty acids, during chemotherapy may be at increased risk of disease recurrence and death, according to researchers from SWOG Cancer Research Network....

There's a thin line between toxic and healthy, say researchers looking at the shifting perceptions of antioxidants

Healthy or toxic? The conflicting images of antioxidants

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Benefit-risk ratios must be established for each antioxidant separately, considering risk groups and dosage, according to researchers reviewing polarised perceptions of vitamin E and beta-carotene.

The quest for a radical new world for antioxidants

The quest for a radical new world for antioxidants

Here’s a radical thought for the marketers - the benefits of antioxidants may not be related to antioxidant activity. Last week’s NutraIngredients Antioxidants Conference suggested some tough choices are ahead.

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

EFSA’s antioxidant rejections could be blessing in disguise

Timber! The latest axe blow from EFSA has fallen, and this time it has taken one of the biggest trees in the nutrition forest: Antioxidants. But let’s not mourn the loss of the tree; let’s look forward to the new opportunities a clear view of the sky...


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