
Getty | CharlieAJA

How to make a novel foods application

By Nikki Hancocks

With novel food applications on the rise, a regulatory expert has provided a breakdown of what this authorisation process is all about.

What's happening in the UK & EU for CBD?

What's happening in the UK & EU for CBD?

By Stephen Daniells

With the UK and the European Union now on divergent paths because of Brexit, what is the state of play for regulating hemp and CBD across the pond and where are the opportunities?

SNE says experts are increasingly questioning the benefit of strict communication rules in hospitals designed to encourage breastfeeding. ©iStock/Pilin_Petunyia

Censoring choice? SNE concerned about Romanian infant formula plans

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Restricting mothers’ access to information about infant formula may have negative public health consequences, trade group Specialised Nutrition Europe (SNE) has said following a draft Romanian law banning the marketing of formula for under-2s.

'If [the UK government] cuts funding, you might find smaller areas like nutrition will be squeezed for bigger areas of science,' says senior nutrition researcher. ©iStock/MarianVejcik

UK criticised over EU research funding shortfall pledge

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The UK government’s promise to underwrite EU research funding post Brexit is welcome, but ultimately too short term, director of Newcastle University’s Human Nutrition Research Centre has said.

Between 2007 and 2013, the UK got €3.4bn more back from the EU in science funding than it was putting in. So what does this mean for UK science post Brexit? ©iStock/shironosov

Filling a €3.4bn deficit: UK research post Brexit

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The European Commission has said it is business as usual for UK researcher’s access to EU funding until official Brexit moves are made. Yet concerns persist as reports emerge of Brits already being dropped from EU projects and as long-term plans to plug...

SNE: 'Under no circumstances can [infant formula] be compared to tobacco products...infant formula is one of the most highly regulated products in the world...' © iStock

European infant formula makers: We don't need more regulation

By Aurélie Perrichet

With the World Health Organisation (WHO) and respected British journal The Lancet recently calling for tighter regulation and enforcement to better control infant formulae marketing, Aurélie Perrichet executive director of sector group Specialised Nutrition...

Global omega-3 market set for 5% growth in next years according to GOED. © iStock

Special edition: Omega-3s

Omega-3 hits €28bn in 2015 – growth predicted

By Shane Starling

The global omega-3 finished product market was worth €28 billion in 2015 and is set for pan-sector growth in the coming years to add €5bn by 2018, despite sustainability and scientific challenges.

Much of Turkey's food regulation is harmonised with EU law making it a hassle-free country to do business  - although there are some notable exceptions, such as GMOs, nutrient profiles and maximum salt levels. © iStock

Spotlight on Turkish regulation: 'It's an easy market to enter'

By Niamh Michail

Harmonisation of Turkish and EU food law make it an easy and attractive market for foreign companies, but on issues that affect public health - such as nutrient profiles, health claims, GM food and salt reduction - the country is forging its own path. FoodNavigator...

The fortifiers and the non-fortifiers - who is doing what when it comes to folic acid and neural tube defects? © / eyegelb

Special edition: Gender-specific nutrition

Folic acid fortification: The current global state of play

By Lynda Searby

To date 75 countries globally have implemented mandatory fortification programmes for folic acid with the aim of preventing neural tube defects (NTDs) in babies. Yet despite growing calls from NGOs, health experts and researchers, the 28 EU member countries...

EU politicians voted today to scrap nutrient profiles. 'We deeply regret the EU Parliament chose to stand by the food industry and let down consumers,' said consumer rights group BEUC. © iStock

European Parliament votes to scrap nutrient profiles

By Niamh Michail

Members of European Parliament (MEPs) voted today to scrap nutrient profiles, a result that leaves consumer rights groups, public health campaigners and some industry players sorely disappointed.

“It seems clear that member state offices in Brussels are wide open to corporate lobbyists.” © / Rawpixel

Backroom Brussels? Report calls for EU lobbying clampdown

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

A transparency watchdog has called for legally-binding measures to tackle lobbying in the EU, following the release of its report that claimed permanent representations for member states were being left wide open to corporate pressure.

New novel foods regulation is expected to speed product launches

Novel foods changes will speed launches

By Noli Dinkovski

The EU’s decision to streamline the way it regulates novel foods and ingredients has received broad support from the food industry.

“The issue really is about ‘harmonisation’ of dose and specific ingredients and the free movement of foods.”

Norway publishes 12/44 ‘other substance’ risk assessments

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn and Shane Starling

Norwegian authorities have published risk assessments for 12 so-called unregulated ‘other substances’ in food supplements and energy drinks, including caffeine, taurine and omega-3 forms EPA, DHA and EPA.

EFSA: “The fact we are here is an indication we are willing to commit to dialogue.”

Open book: The future of probiotic marketing in Europe

By Shane Starling in Brussels

‘Openness’ and ‘better dialogue’ between industry, scientists and regulators were themes of the day as the newly minted European chapter of the International Probiotics Association (IPA-Europe) launched itself with a mini-congress in Brussels yesterday.

Give me commercial casualties over human casualties any day, argues NutraIngredient's Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

How transparent is the EU when it comes to supplement scares?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Europe has various measures in place to report risky supplements – but it’s questionable if these warnings ever make it outside the closed circuit of national authorities. This lack of complete information is to the detriment of both consumer safety and...

Which supplements were blocked at the EU borders this August?

Which supplements were blocked at the EU borders this August?

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

August was a month of excess – with supplements blocked for vitamin content well over the safe limits set in the EU. Find out by how much in this month’s round up of supplements blocked at the EU borders.    

Carine Lambert:

"The EU is the only region in the world where the use of the term ‘probiotic’ is banned.”

Probiotic sector chief: ‘I am ashamed how the EU is dealing with this’


The secretary general of a leading probiotic association has launched a stinging attack on the European Union health claims regime she said is discriminatory, confusing and shameful.

The UK could follow Italy's lead, if it is success in getting a 'generic descriptor' aproval for 'probiotic' yogurts

Probiotic term could reappear on yogurt in UK

By Rick Pendrous

The term ‘probiotic’ could make a re-appearance on pots of yogurt on sale in UK supermarkets, if Italy is successful in getting approval for its use as a ‘generic descriptor’.


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