Healthy ageing

Euro congress tackles ‘syndrome X'

From the FENS Congress in Berlin

Euro congress tackles ‘syndrome X'


Vitamin E and prebiotics are important in the 21st century battle against ‘syndrome X’ – the umbrella term given to a collection of chronic maladies including obesity, inflammation, diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), the FENS congress...

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

What the Swedish eat: 1740-strong dietary survey

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

People in Sweden fall into one of three dietary camps - a ‘healthy dietary’, ‘Swedish traditional’ or 'light-meal' pattern - a national dietary survey of 1740 adults has found.

Blue Nordic: ASA rules vision improvement testimonials went too far

ASA ruling

UK shuts bilberry eye health claims

By Louise Reid

Swedish supplements player New Nordic has had eye health claims slapped down in the UK, even though its ‘Blue Berry Eyebright plus’ product included vision-approved vitamin A.

GM is being presented as a silver bullet solution to malnutrition in Africa, says Harvard University's Professor Sheila Jasanoff

live from EFSA's 2nd scientific conference

‘Starving Africa’ cliché used to push GM: Harvard Professor

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn at the Milan Expo

An over-simplistic image of impoverished, malnutritioned Africa is being used to push the case for genetically modified organisms (GMOs), a senior Harvard professor has warned.

“We have noticed some slight differences in nutrient content (protein, magnesium and vitamin C) but these do not seem significant in our view.

Dutch firm enters bulging chia seed scene


The spate of companies seeking to enter Europe’s lively chia seed market shows no signs of slowing with an EU novel foods application from a Dutch firm joining the fray.

Image: © iStockPhoto

BASF optimizes global sterols production infrastructure

BASF is increasing its sterol extraction capacity at its site in Boussens, France, and closing its sterols production site in Pasadena, Texas as the company optimizes its global sterol production infrastructure.

If left untreated, the risk of CIN progressing to invasive cervical carcinoma is about 30–50%

Selenium may help fight pre-cancer cervical condition

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

Long-term consumption of selenium supplements may help reverse the progression of the ‘pre-cancer’ condition cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 1 (CIN1), say researchers in Iran.

Dave Pigram is a big believer in the health benefits of superfoods which he weaves into his menu at Waterleaf Restaurant in Kent


Chef Dave Pigram on integrating superfoods into menus

By Emma Eversham

With superfoods predicted to be a growing trend for menus BigHospitality speaks to Dave Pigram, head chef at The Waterleaf Restaurant at Reynolds Retreat in Kent, about how he is using them in his menus and why they can be beneficial to health and business.

Newsweek wrote “Omega-3 Supplements Are a Waste of Money.” Well, maybe low-dose versions are...

Omega-3s and cognition: dosage matters!

By Adam Ismail

Yet another study questioning omega-3 efficacy has been picked up by the mainstream press. Why finger the nutrient when the dosage is all wrong? argues Adam Ismail, executive director of the Global Organisation for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED), in this...

Firm automates ingredient discovery based on epigenetic activity

Firm automates ingredient discovery based on epigenetic activity

By Hank Schultz

Finding new bioactive molecules has in the past been something of a treasure hunt that had developers combing records of traditional uses of botanicals for clues pointing the way to new products. UK-based natural products company Sibelius Limited is one...

Acutely psychotic individuals may fail to eat meals as a consequence of the chaos of psychotic symptoms and antipsychotic medication can cause obsessive overeating

The link between psychosis and malnutrition

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

First-time psychosis sufferers are far more likely to be deficient in micronutrients and protein than the general population – and more intervention studies are needed to explore strategies against this, say UK researchers.

Cholesterolimbroglio: Inside an EU claims mess

Cholesterolimbroglio: Inside an EU claims mess

By Bert Schwitters

On September 1 a Hamburg court will on the case brought by FoodWatch against Unilever over marketing for its cholesterol-lowering margarine Becel pro.activ.

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BB536 for optimal Gut health and beyond

BB536 for optimal Gut health and beyond

Among the various probiotics strains available, Bifidobacterium longum BB536 stands out due to its well-documented safety, efficacy, and regulatory approvals....