Citrus flavonoids and tocotrienols help cut cholesterol

A combination of bioflavonoids from citrus fruit and tocotrienols found in Sytrinol has had a positive effect in lowering cholesterol levels, scientists have found.

Writing in the Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine journal, researchers found the combination of the two in a diet of nearly three months cut total cholesterol by 30 per cent.

The researchers said physicians and health care practitioners should: "consider this combination of fruit extracts to be a safe and efficacious option for promoting cardiovascular wellness."

The study was funded by KGK Synergize, and author James Roza is vice president for science and technology at SourceOne.

On the strength of the results Chicago-based SourceOne said a new ingredient Cholesstrinol, which includes both tocotrienols bioflavonoids, will be launched.

Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death in America.

According to the American Heart Association, approximately 20 per cent of Americans have high blood cholesterol.

Lowering blood cholesterol is one way to help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The results add weight for cholesterol-conscious consumers to look at alternative to prescriptive drugs such as statins.

Cholesterol lowered For the study, men and women between of 19 and 65 years of age were recruited at the Universities of Guelph and Western Ontario.

They had to have total cholesterol levels above 230 mg/dL and LDL >155

mg/dL. They were asked to take a combination of polymethoxyflavones (PMF) from citrus (270 mg/d) and tocotrienols (30 mg/d) or a placebo.

The 12-week double-blind placebo controlled study showed total cholesterol dropped by 30 per cent, LDL cholesterol by 29 per cent, triglycerides by 34 per cent compared to the placebo.

In addition, HDL levels increased by four per cent, resulting in a 29 per cent improvement in LDL:HDL ratio.

Study co-author DrZheng-Xian Liu said, " What is most impressive about these results is that there is no other natural product available that delivers the multiple benefits this combination provides.

The ratio of total cholesterol:HDL is reported to be the most specific lipid risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

The ratio of LDL:HDL is of equal importance."

Tocotrienols are natural analogues of vitamin E found mainly in palm oil and cereal grains.

The researchers said the results show the combination of citrus PMFs plus palm tocotrienols is a "promising natural option" for controlling cholesterol and related cardiovascular risk factors in patients with elevated cholesterol levels.

Source: Effect Of Citrus Flavonoids

And Tocotrienols On Serum Cholesterol Levels In Hypercholesterolemic Subjects Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Volume 13, number 6 Authors: James Roza, Zheng Xian-Liu, Najla Guthrie.