EFSA to host health conference in Copenhagen next week

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) will host a health claims seminar in Copenhagen next week in conjunction with the National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark.

The seminar, part of EFSA’s 10th anniversary celebrations, will, focus on the ins and outs of the work on health claims for foodstuffs and dietary supplements in the EU and Denmark”.

Issues to be addressed on the day include:

  • What role does EFSA play in the work on health claims in the EU?
  • What has the process been – and how do things stand?
  • On what basis are specific health claim applications approved and rejected? 
  • How is technological research continuing to produce new possibilities for giving food new properties for which health claims might be made?
  • How can food companies and consumers use health claims and what are their expectations?
  • What challenges do the Danish authorities encounter and foresee in implementation of the EU regulations on health claims?

Jørgen Schlundt, the director of the National Food Institute, is the Danish representative on EFSA's Advisory Forum, which meets privately June 27-28, also in Copenhagen.

Topics and speakers include:

  • EFSA's role and work with regard to health claims - Ariane Titz, Officer, EFSA
  • Assessing health claims for foodstuffs - Professor Inge Tetens, the National Food Institute (member of EFSA's Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition and Allergies)
  • New technological possibilities - Professor Charlotte Jacobsen, the National Food Institute
  • Health claims and the immune-stimulating effects of probiotics - Professor Hanne Frøkiær, Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen
  • The importance of health claims for the food industry - Ole Linnet, Food Director, Confederation of Danish Industry
  • The importance of health claims for consumers - Camilla Udsen, Senior Food Adviser, Danish Consumer Council
  • The challenges of implementing the Regulation on nutrition and health claims in Denmark - Jens Therkel Jensen, Deputy Head of Division, Danish Veterinary and Food Administration

Enrolments can be made here.