News in brief
Whey protein makers join online health debate with consumer website
With posts initially hosted on Arla Foods Ingredients' website from May to December 2019, the new website will be used to share science-based knowledge and information on the various benefits of whey protein with European consumers.
The purpose of is to inspire and ensure that discussions about whey proteins, as well as other proteins, are based on facts and science-based knowledge rather than myths or hearsay.
On this platform, shareable articles, recipes, tips and videos are available for inspiration to make whey protein a part of the daily diet.
The site also displays a range of articles with commentary from experts in the field discussing the benefits of whey protein such as its superior essential amino acid profile and its growth and maintenance benefits for muscles and bones.
The site includes a post stating the amount of protein needed to build muscle and - 1.4 to 2g per kg of body weight - and the time frame in which to consumer protein after a workout - every three to four hours for 24 hours.