Brands & manufacturers

4GOLD launches new lipid supplement to boost athletic performance

Going 4GOLD: leveraging lipids to fuel performance

By Olivia Brown

The food technology company 4GOLD, founded by a pro-athlete trio, have launched a new LiFT lipid supplement combining long-chain triglycerides (LCTs) and medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) for a fast and lasting energy release to fuel athletic performance.

getty | metamorworks

TargEDys acquired by pharma partner Biocodex

By Nikki Hancocks

French pharmaceutical company Biocodex has acquired the precision probiotics biotech firm TargEDys in a move set to accelerate its development globally.

Getty | Thomas Barwick

Nestle targets mitochondria to support healthy aging

By Olivia Brown

Nestle health science has focussed its research and development work on the healthy aging category, predicting a “tsunami of metabolic conditions” for the future of public health.

Vitafoods 2023 highlights: Sustainability

Vitafoods 2023 highlights: Sustainability

By Olivia Haslam

Prioritising sustainability is a necessary step towards building a more resilient food system for future generations, and one which many companies at Vitafoods 2023 were keen to acknowledge.

Could CBD hold the answer to berry freshness? Credit: Getty/Cristina Ionescu


Extending the shelf-life of berries with CBD

By Bethan Grylls

A team of researchers in Thailand have developed a CBD-based coating which has shown promise in delaying rot in strawberries to keep them fresher for longer.

Vitafoods 2023 Highlight: Holistic Health

Vitafoods 2023 Highlight: Holistic Health

By Olivia Haslam

Holistic health solutions can provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to wellness aligning with consumer preferences for natural solutions and preventive health strategies, evidenced by innovations showcased at Vitafoods.

Vitafoods Insights - The Active Consumer

Vitafoods 2023 Highlights: The Active Consumer

By Olivia Haslam

Companies at Vitafoods 2023 saw active consumers as a key target demographic, with exhibitors presenting innovative concepts targeting a wide range of consumers leading active lifestyles.

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Monteloeder’s metabolism-stimulating innovation claims award

By Olivia Brown

With a strong backing of nine published studies highlighting the efficacy of Monteloeder’s entry for the NutraIngredients awards 'weight management ingredient of the year' category, the team reflects on the importance of the win for exposure...

GettyImages - fermentation tank / xijian

Industry insights: Staying ahead in postbiotics

By Olivia Haslam

Gerald Dard, managing director of AB Biotek Human Nutrition and Health (HNH), speaks to NutraIngredients about postbiotic innovation, adaptation, and what’s to come.

Start-up set to showcase sustainable carob fruit innovations


Start-up set to showcase sustainable carob fruit innovations

By Olivia Brown

Carobway plans to present both established and under development products utilising carob fruit at Vitafoods Europe next month, including low glycaemic index (GI) natural sweeteners and prebiotic fibres for use within foods and supplements.

Future foods programme: collaborating for functional food success

Insights from Positive Nutrition Summit

Future foods programme: collaborating for functional food success

By Olivia Brown

The leader of the Welsh government funded Future Foods programme at Aberystwyth University, discussed his mission to collaborate with brands to optimise food functionality, during the Positive Nutrition Summit last week (March 30th)

Low dose resistant potato starch shows prebiotic effects in new study

Low dose resistant potato starch shows prebiotic effects in new study

By Olivia Haslam

A new clinical trial has concluded that Solnul, a resistant potato starch (RPS), has prebiotic effects at low dosages, stimulating increases in beneficial health-associated bacteria and reducing diarrhoea and constipation when compared to a placebo group.

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