Fibres & carbohydrates

Getty | metamorworks

Big opportunities in merging nutra and pharma

By Nikki Hancocks

Consumer trends, technological advancements and business strategies are causing the pharma and nutra markets to merge and this opens opportunities for the players in both industries to cater to consumers looking for the ultimate wellness solutions.

Getty | Rimma Bondarenko

Guest Article

Using fermentation to boost plant proteins

By Herwig Bachmann, Expertise Group Leader Fermentation at NIZO

Traditional fermentation has been done on plants to create products like tempeh or sauerkraut for many years, but the ability to use fermentation on protein isolates and concentrates has been a critical recent development, a fermentation expert tells...

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Researchers turn autism microbiome theory on its head

By Nikki Hancocks

There has been much speculation that the gut microbiome may play a causal role in autism spectrum disorder but new research turns this theory on its head - with researchers arguing the difference in microbial population is due to picky eating in autistic...

Getty | Chaded2557

Fermented soymilk-honey improves bone marker in menopause

By Nikki Hancocks

A new study has found that soymilk-honey fermented with a strain of Lactobacillus plantarum significantly reduces a blood biomarker of osteoporosis in menopausal women, thanks to its synbiotic impact.