Produced in Europe, our range of Volactive® UltraWhey proteins have been carefully developed using cutting edge technology and specialised industry knowledge spanning the past 50 years. We have pioneered the industry to ensure we deliver the very finest whey protein solutions to the market.
VOLAC International Ltd.
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Volactive: Creating clear, protein-rich beverages to drive sports nutrition market growth
Paid for and content provided by VOLAC International Ltd.
The market for ready-to-drink functional beverages is growing quickly as interest in convenient, protein-rich products spreads beyond bodybuilders and professional athletes. If the rapid growth is to continue, businesses will need to broaden the appeal...
How an innovative whey protein can contribute to sports nutrition market growth
Paid for and content provided by VOLAC International Ltd.
The evolution of the sports nutrition market is creating a huge, untapped opportunity for food and beverage manufacturers. Today, a new, growing group of consumers want the health and performance benefits of protein-rich products but are unwilling to...