'Nutragenomics' promises an exciting era for the food industry but are companies ready to take up the opportunities it offers?
A seminar at this week's Institute of Food Technologist's meeting in Chicago will discuss the 'brave new world of nutragenomics', the science which uses knowledge of the human genome to screen individuals for susceptibility or resistance to disease.
The developing area promises to make the food environment even more competitive than it already is, but can companies exploit this new field to develop functional foods tailored to meet the needs of individuals with specific genetic traits? And will genetic screening allow individualised dietary recommendations that can be accommodated by the food industry, asks the seminar.
Speakers from the University of California, Davis and J. Kaput from NutraGenomics, will also discuss whether companies should form new partnerships with the technology and pharmaceutical industries in order to stay relevant, or will the food industry cede this opportunity to others?
The session explains how gene chips and other new technologies work and what they can do, followed by the potential business opportunities and obstacles created by the field of nutragenomics and a review of the social/ethical issues involved.
The IFT seminar takes place in room N426-abc (McCormick Place - Chicago) on Monday 14 July at 9am.