It pays to invest: Claim expert offers insights on the pitfalls of clinical trial design

Investment for the design and running of clinical trials is a major expense for the industry, but taking shortcuts to reduce the initial investment needed can be very costly in the long-term, according to one expert.

Achieving a good return on investment in clinical trials is something that everybody aspires to but few realise. Yet when it comes to getting a good return on your investment in clinical research, it pays to invest more and plan properly than to save in the short term and fail in the long term, says Soffer Loman of Nutriclaim.

"I perfectly understand the hesitation of investing huge amounts of money in clinical trials of which the outcome is uncertain," said Loman.

"Nevertheless, a good preparation in designing the trial is key for any outcome to be valuable."

"It sometimes pays back to invest a little bit more in preparation with respect to designing a proper statistical plan and scrutinising the techniques that you are going to use."

Indeed, Loman noted that previous negative opinions delivered by EFSA have shown that established  techniques and 'validated methods' that are commonly used within the scientific community may not be fit for the substantiation of health claims.

"Many of them are, but key ones like questionnaires regularly fail to produce the results that the company is after."