Sports nutrition

BCAAs take center stage in targeted sports nutrition products

Special Edition: Amino Acids and Proteins

BCAAs take center stage in targeted sports nutrition products

By Hank Schultz

Protein as a driver of sports nutrition products is an old story.  The newer twist, however, is the use of individual amino acids, and specifically the branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine, to deliver targeted benefits for their role...

PQQ set to make splash in sports nutrition beverages

PQQ set to make splash in sports nutrition beverages

By Hank Schultz

Two firms have joined forces to bring the multifunctional molecule pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ, into the sports nutrition market via beverage applications.  The partnership pairs Virun’s delivery technology with Nascent Health Sciences' supply...

Study shows potential for D-tagatose as sports nutrition ingredient

Study shows potential for D-tagatose as sports nutrition ingredient

By Hank Schultz

D-tagatose, an alternative sweetener that has drifted at the periphery of commercial viability for more than a decade, may have a new lease on life because of its blood sugar management properties, according to a study conducted by ChromaDex.

Glanbia joins EU sports nutrition group

Glanbia joins EU sports nutrition group

Glanbia Performance Nutrition has joined the ever-growing membership of the 10-year-old European Specialist Sports Nutrition Association (ESSNA), joining supplement maker PhD Nutrition, and retailers NBTY Europe as new members.

Sports drinks waste shows bar and biscuit potential: Study

Sports drinks waste shows bar and biscuit potential: Study

By Shane Starling

Fruit and vegetable residues typically discarded in the manufacture of isotonic sports drinks could be a rich nutrient source for other foodstuffs like bars and biscuits, Brazilian researchers have found.

NBTY Europe pulls sports nutrition range

NBTY Europe axes sports nutrition range

NBTY Europe has stopped selling the USN sports nutrition range in its Holland & Barrett stores in the UK after a hike in local taxes forced a review of the brands it worked with.

One more time: US Army/ NSF analysis shows DMAA not in geranium

One more time: US Army/ NSF analysis shows DMAA not in geranium


A new analysis from US Army scientists and NSF International finds, yet again, that controversial compound DMAA (1,3 dimethylamylamine) is not found in geranium. The analysis supports FDA conclusions that the evidence is ‘insufficient’ to support the...

Sports legend meets pragmatism as a brand enters India

Gulfood 2013 blog

Sports legend meets pragmatism as a brand enters India

By RJ Whitehead in Dubai

It is hard for a food industry trade show to pack the same level of glamour as, say, the Tokyo Motor Show, so it’s probably best for organisers not to try. But every now and again, in a moment of wild abandon, a celebrity or sports star graces a show’s...

DMAA blamed for London marathon death

DMAA in the dock

DMAA blamed for London marathon death


A single dose of the banned stimulant DMAA was the most probable cause of the heart attack that killed Claire Squires in hospital after she collapsed during the final metres of the 2012 London marathon.

USPLabs sets aside $2m to settle DMAA class action cases

USPLabs sets aside $2m to settle DMAA class action cases

By Elaine WATSON

After a tidal wave of lawsuits and months of heated debate about the regulatory status of the stimulant DMAA (1,3-Dimethylamylamine), USPLabs has agreed to settle a nationwide class action suit challenging the legality and safety of its top-selling DMAA...

EU sports food group on PARNUTS: “We need resolution and closure

The shelling of PARNUTS

EU sports food group on PARNUTS: “We need resolution and closure"

By Shane Starling

A pan-European sports nutrition group that counts Volac, Carbery and Abbott Laboratories (EAS) as members says it is time the lengthy debate over European Union sports food regulation ended – and general food law is the right place to do it.

Arla says UHT-friendly whey can tackle elderly malnutrition

Arla says UHT-friendly whey can tackle elderly malnutrition

By Shane Starling

About 60% of elderly hospital patients in the UK are malnourished according to recent data from the British Dietetic Association, a problem companies like Danish firm Arla Food Ingredients are trying to tackle with a new whey form.

Roquette seeks sports blends for pea protein

Roquette seeks sports blends for pea protein

By Shane Starling

Roquette is intensifying its research efforts into the protein potential of various plant forms, and used HIE to launch a pea form targeting sports nutrition products.

DMAA not in geranium, says yet another study

DMAA not in geranium, says yet another study

By Stephen Daniells

Guess what? DMAA is not found in extracts from four different species of geranium and three cultivars, and the ingredient in a leading dietary supplement is probably synthetic, says a new analysis from Italian researchers.

Spain and the Netherlands warn against DMAA

Spain and the Netherlands warn against DMAA

By Shane Starling

Spanish and Dutch authorities have added to the growing list of countries issuing warnings against the pre-workout and weight loss stimulant, DMAA (dimethylamylimine/ methylhexanamine).

Jacked in: The game is up for DMAA products like Jack3D in the UK

UK wins Jack3D appeal and bans DMAA

By Shane Starling

The UK has ended months of ambiguity by banning controversial stimulant DMAA, after its medicines agency won an appeal against a retailer of the most popular brand – USPlabs’ Jack3D.

Germany: DMAA safety data “full of gaps”

DMAA in the dock

Germany: DMAA safety data “full of gaps”

By Shane Starling

The German food safety agency has warned people with increased blood pressure and those suffering from cardiovascular disease off disputed stimulant DMAA, and called for a probe into its legal status.

ABA attacks 'clear bias' of BMJ on sports drinks

ABA attacks 'clear bias' of BMJ on sports drinks

By Ben Bouckley

The American Beverage Association (ABA) has lashed out at the British Medical Journal (BMJ) for a critical article series on sports drinks, and said the journal showed bias in overlooking 'widely accepted' research thereon.

UK food agency warns against DMAA

UK food agency warns against DMAA (but medicines agency has final say)

By Shane Starling

The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) has warned consumers off pre-workout supplements containing the stimulant DMAA, in reaction to adverse events reported from around the world. But it says the medicines agency must determine if it is an illegal drug or...

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