Maternal & infant health

GOLD: more vitamins, minerals; less protein

Pfizer has GOLD ambitions for toddler nutrition

By Shane Starling

Pfizer is ready to take on the “enormous responsibility” of improving the nutrition of older infants, the company has said in redesigning a range of low-protein, vitamin and mineral-fortified toddler nutrition products called GOLD.

British MEP Glenis Willmott has not given up on blocking claims such as this one on infant foods despite EFSA, the EC and the EP approving them

MEP takes DHA omega-3 claim complaint back to the Commission

By Shane Starling

British Labour Member of the European Parliament (MEP), Glenis Willmott, is writing to the European Commission to block a DHA eye development claim being used on infant follow-on formula products, after the EP last week failed to veto the claim.

Danone to research early infant development at Singapore hub

Danone to research early infant development at Singapore hub

By Jess Halliday

Danone Baby Nutrition’s new R&D centre in Singapore will facilitate cooperation with nutrition experts at universities and hospitals in the Asia Pacific region – and the exploration of factors that influence early nutrition and health in different...

MEPs have authorised a DHA-eye health claim for infants

MEPs authorise omega-3 infant eye health claim

By Shane Starling

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have today narrowly rejected a motion to prohibit a European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and European Commission (EC)-approved DHA omega-3 eye health claim on breast milk substitute products.

The European Parliament in Strasbourg, France

'Eye' or 'nay': For or against the DHA infant eye claim?

By Shane Starling

Just as with the 2006 nutrition and health claim regulation (NHCR) itself, next week's European Parliament (EP) vote on whether to allow products aimed at 6-12 month old infants to bear omega-3 DHA-related eye development claims promises to be highly...

Martek is now a fullly-owned DSM subsidiary

DSM begins Martek integration

By Shane Starling

Royal DSM has kicked the integration of its new €800m wholly-owned subsidiary, Martek Biosciences Corporation, into life by establishing a special integration unit to manage the US-Dutch-Swiss deal.

GOED names expanded board of directors

GOED names expanded board of directors

By Shane Starling

The Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED) has announced its second board expansion within a year with EPAX’s Baldur Hjaltason (pictured) moving from vice-chair to chair to replace Croda’s David Shannon, while DSM Nutritional Products’ Amanda Ruess...

HiPPy times for one German company (and potentially others) as EFSA's health claims panel approves an article 14 thiamin claim for neural development in under-3s

EFSA health claim opinion

EFSA approves vitamin B1-infant brain health claim

By Shane Starling

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has approved a health claim linking thiamin (vitamin B1) and “normal neurological development and function” in infants and children up to three years of age.

Some MEPs are calling for a revision of DHA-infant ye development claims

MEPs question omega-3 baby milk benefits

By Shane Starling

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) are questioning whether omega-3 form DHA can benefit infant eye sight, despite the nutrient winning endorsement from one of the world’s toughest claims assessment agencies – the European Food Safety Authority...

It is hoped vitamin A-fortified vegetable oil will reach 80 per cent of the Indonesian population

Vitamin A-fortified oil campaign launched in Indonesia

By Shane Starling

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) has launched a “major multi-sector partnership” to provide vitamin A-fortified vegetable oil to 80 per cent of Indonesia’s 230m inhabitants.

Five-year campaign launched to ease malnutrition in Africa

Five-year campaign launched to ease malnutrition in Africa

By Shane Starling

The Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD) have teamed up for a five-year programme to tackle malnutrition in Africa – particularly among the young.

Bread: To fortify or not to fortify? That is the folic acid question concerning some New Zealand parliamentarians

Calls for voluntary folic acid fortification in NZ grow

By Shane Starling

New Zealand opposition party members are calling on the government to fortify the country’s flour supply and bread output with folic acid, following reports of the success of a similar program across the Tasman Sea in Australia.

DSM's €24/share offer for Martek remains open until February 21, 2010

DSM’s Greenback formalises €829m Martek tender

By Shane Starling

Greenback Acquisition Corporation, a wholly-owned Royal DSM subsidiary, has begun the formal tender for Martek Biosciences, which DSM announced it was buying for €829m ($1.087bn) last month.

Synbiotics may protect kids from asthma: Danone study

By Stephen Daniells

Supplements containing a mix of probiotic bacteria and prebiotic fibers reduced the prevalence of asthma-like symptoms in children at risk of the condition, says a new study from the Netherlands.

Infant brain and eye claims are set for EU confirmation

EC to confirm infant and child omega-3 claims

By Shane Starling

A November European Commission standing committee meeting has said four omega-3 brain and vision claims will be confirmed at a meeting in Brussels on December 6, 2010.

Jury still out on omega-3 for post-natal depression

Jury still out on omega-3 for post-natal depression

By Stephen Daniells

Reducing the risk of depression during pregnancy and after birth with supplements of omega-3 fatty acids is not backed up by the science-to-date, says a new meta-analysis and systematic review.

Oxford researchers say reduced homocysteine levels don't reduce CV events

Meta-analysis questions folic acid’s heart benefits

By Stephen Daniells

Increased intakes of folic acid – a synthetic form of folate – may decrease blood levels of the amino acid homocysteine, but this does not translate into reductions in cardiovascular events, says a new meta-analysis from the University of Oxford.

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HRB probiotics in the HMO era

HRB probiotics in the HMO era

Discover the science behind human-residential bifidobacteria (HRB) probiotics and their superior benefits for infants.