Eye health

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Life in a European health claims wasteland

Ka-CHING! Hear that? No it’s not the sound of overflowing cash registers as consumers throw endless wads of euros at scientifically-backed, healthy foods in greater numbers than ever before.

Omega-3 may prevent age-related sight loss

Omega-3 may prevent age-related sight loss

By Stephen Daniells

Increased intakes of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of developing age-related blindness by 30 per cent, says a new study from the US National Eye Institute.

Are health claims curbing freedom of speech?

Are health claims curbing freedom of speech?

The US FDA is being sued over its health claims regime – actions that are unlikely to succeed according to most pundits – but they raise serious questions about healthy food messaging and free speech that are being felt globally.

EFSA rejects Merck omega-3 health claim

EFSA health claim opinion

EFSA rejects Merck omega-3 health claim

By Shane Starling

DHA does not benefit visual or cognitive development in infants and unborn babies, according to two article 14 opinions published by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) today.

Science: Is omega-3 omnipotent?

News focus: Omega-3

Science: Is omega-3 omnipotent?

By Stephen Daniells

From heart health to better brain function, from reducing the risk of cancers to improving people’s moods, is there nothing omega-3 can’t do? In the first part of a four-part focus on omega-3 fatty acids, NutraIngredients reviews the science behind the...