Maternal & infant health

Choosing health claims

Special edition: Applying health claims

Choosing health claims

By Lorraine Heller

In the first in a series of articles on the potential and dangers of health claims, examines the different types of claims that can be used on food, beverage and dietary supplement products in the US.


The omega-3 pioneer

By Stephen Daniells

It all started with a trip to Greenland in 1970. Three Danes, a couple of dogsleds, and several years of study later and the omega-3 was born. Since then, awareness and understanding of marine omega-3 has sky-rocketed.

Folic acid on the EU agenda

Folic acid on the EU agenda

By Jess Halliday

Debate over fortification of certain foods with folic acid has been
initiated at EU-level, as various member states mull public health
strategies for reducing pregnancies affected by neural tube

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