Weight management

The turkey toll

The turkey toll

By Clarisse Douaud

The turkey's gone, except for the bits still wrapped up in the
fridge ready for sandwiches. So does that mean you're off scot-free
from the caloric carnage of Thanksgiving Day? Unfortunately,
nutritionists say "no".

Oatcakes hit health niche

Oatcakes hit health niche

By Catherine Boal

Scottish snack company Paterson's has become the latest business to
target the growing trend towards healthier and more traditional
snacking with a new addition to its own-brand range of flavoured

© iStock/Elenathewise

The prehistory of prebiotics

By Stephen Daniells in Boston

Our plain-dwelling ancestors were big-time eaters of inulin-containing plants, and prebiotic consumption was significantly higher than today, an archaeologist told attendees at the 5th Orafti Research Conference in Boston.

The obesity blame game

Weekly Comment

The obesity blame game

Laying the blame for a fatter world at the feet of the food
industry has become a convenient mistake, and until this is
recognized there is little chance of controlling the growing
obesity epidemic.